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Kirkaberry Farms

Kirkaberry Farms logo

Kirkaberry Farms

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Susan Kirkpatrick

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905 Murray Street
BC Canada V0H 1Mo

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Business description

Large Commerical Grower of Haskaps, Dwarf Sour Cherries and Saskatoons

Ownership and operations

  • Women owned or operated

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Independent stores
  • Restaurants (direct)

Product listings from this business

Ice Cream: Freeze Dried Haskap Berry Flavoured image

We add our frozen berries to ice cream for a nutrious shelf-stable snack providing a source of energy, Vitamin C, Calcium, antioxidants. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Haskap Berry: Puree image

100% pure; the puree is processed from our naturally grown Haskap Berries. Brix 20. Pasteurized. Use in making sauces, ice cream, milkshakes, add to smoothies, add to baking, or roasting meats. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Haskap Berries: Frozen image

Pesticide-free and herbicide-free. High in Vitamin C, Potassium, and antioxidants. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Cherries: Freeze Dried, Dwarf Sour image

A little bit tart with a whole lot of sweet. Eat as is for a nutritious snack or add to your salads, baking, or smoothies. High in antioxidants. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Yogurt: Haskap Berry Flavoured image

Haskap Berry and honey-flavoured Greek-style probiotic yogurt. Freeze dried berries provide a shelf stable snack full of energy, Vitamin C, and antioxidants. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Cheesecake: Haskap Berry Flavoured image

Haskap Berry Flavoured Cheesecake freeze dried to provide a shelf stable and healthy snack. The cheesecake is a great source of energy as well as is high in antioxidants. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Haskap Berry Juice image

100% pure, nothing added to juice captured from our naturally grown Haskap Berries. Brix 22+. Pasteurized. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Haskap Berries: Fresh image

Pesticide-free and Herbicide-free. High in Vitamin C and Potassium. High in antioxidants. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Haskap Berries: Freeze Dried image

Shelf stable snack full of nutrition. A great source of Fiber, Calcium, and Iron. Good source of Potassium and excellent source of natural Vitamin C, as well as high in Polyphenols, Flavonoids, and Anthocyanins. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Cherry Berries: Fresh, Dwarf Sour  image

A little bit tart with a whole lot of sweet. Good for fresh eating, adding to salads, smoothies, and baking with. High in antioxidants.

Cheesecake: Sour Cherry Flavour image

A little bit tart with a whole lot of sweet berries added to a frozen cheesecake and freeze dried to provide a nutritious lightweight snack. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Cherries: Frozen, Dwarf Sour  image

A little bit of tart with a whole lot of sweet. The colour of this cherry makes it a great cherry for pies or tarts. High in antioxidants. Washed and cleaned. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.

Haskap Berry Powder image

100% naturally grown Haskap Berries powdered into a fine powder that can be used in smoothies or drinks. Product of Kirkaberry Farms.