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White Wine: White Blend TLC

BC Food Directory B.C. Food & Beverage Products White Wine: White Blend TLC
Rocky Creek Winery logo

Rocky Creek Winery

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Linda Holford

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(250) 748-5622

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1854 Myhrest Road
Cowichan Bay
BC Canada V0R 1N1

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Product Information

Product details

Blend of varietals including Viognier, Madeleine Sylvaner, Siegerrebe, Albarino, Ortega, and Blattner white. Pineapple notes with citrus and hints of apple. 2 g/L of residual sugars. From Rocky Creek Winery.

Spec sheet

Industry relevant specifications for product information such as ingredients, shelf life, allergens, nutritional values, etc.
No spec sheet is available for this product.


Product size (weight/volume)

750 mL

Units per pack/case


Flexible product size or pack?


Is the product refrigerated?


Is the product shelf stable?


Is the product frozen?


Valid additional certifications

  • BC VQA

When product is available for purchase

  • Year-Round
We try and maintain our product line all year until the next vintage.

Delivery options



  • Vancouver Island & Coast