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Golden Bonbon

Golden Bonbon logo

Golden Bonbon

laptop_chromebook Website

account_box Name

Marco Mazzucco

work Job title

Vice President

mark_email_unread Email address

aod Phone number

(604) 523-6866

contact_mail Street address

320 Stewardson Way
New Westminster
BC Canada V3M 6C3

remember_me Social

Business description

Golden Bonbon’s emphasis on traditional production methods are aimed at quality products. Using the freshest ingredients found around the world and forgoing industrial-scale quantities, Golden Bonbon produces a true artisanal nougat.

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Major stores
  • Distributor
  • Independent stores
  • Online grocery stores

Product listings from this business

Almond Nougat: Sea Salt Caramel image

Handmade with premium ingredients including air-roasted almonds, pure Alberta clover honey, premium Guérande sea salt and Normandy cream. Contains no dairy or gluten. No artificial colours, additives, or trans fats. Golden Bonbon product.

Almond Nougat image

Handmade with premium ingredients including air-roasted almonds, pure Alberta clover honey, Canadian maple syrup, premium B.C. dried blueberries, and B.C. dried cranberries. Dairy-free and gluten-free. No artificial colours, additives, or trans fats. Golden Bonbon product.