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Seasoning: Garlic and Herb Salt Replacer

BC Food Directory B.C. Food & Beverage Products Seasoning: Garlic and Herb Salt Replacer
Islands West Produce logo

Islands West Produce

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Robert Wallace

work Job title

Sales Manager

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aod Phone number

(250) 727-0744

contact_mail Street address

4247 Douglas Street
BC Canada V8X 2N2

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Product Information

Product details

Multiple size options available in paper bags or plastic reusable containers. From Islands West

Spec sheet

Industry relevant specifications for product information such as ingredients, shelf life, allergens, nutritional values, etc.
No spec sheet is available for this product.


Product size (weight/volume)

500 g

Flexible product size or pack?


Is the product refrigerated?


Is the product shelf stable?


Is the product frozen?


Delivery options
