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About the BC Food Directory

A free searchable database of B.C. food and beverage products.

(Formerly called the Feed BC Directory)

The BC Food Directory connects retail, wholesale, and foodservice buyers with information about food and beverage products that are produced and/or processed in B.C.

If you are a Buy BC logo-licensed food business, registering your business and creating product listings on the BC Food Directory will make your product listings visible on both the Directory (targeted at for commercial buyers) and the Buy BC Products page (targeted at individual consumers).

If you are an individual consumer looking for information about B.C. products, please check out Find Local – Buy BC

The BC Food Directory supports B.C.’s agriculture and food sector by:

Assisting retail, wholesale, and foodservice buyers to find B.C. products that meet their needs.

Increasing brand awareness of food and beverage products that are produced and/or processed in B.C.

People working in an apple orchard picking fruit and placing them into basket. Organic farm fruit production.

Amplifying B.C. food and
agriculture businesses’ marketing and growth in new market channels.

Smiling young woman sitting by female friend while enjoying lunch at table in university cafeteria

Supporting B.C. public institutions to identify and source more B.C. foods for patients, students, and workers.

Are you a commercial buyer looking for who B.C. food and beverages?

The BC Food Directory makes it easier to identify food and beverage products from B.C.

Creating a buyer profile is not required to search products, but registering has benefits:


Show your commitment to buying products from B.C. by creating a buyer profile for free and indicating what type of B.C. products you are most interested in.


Identify and connect with B.C. suppliers that have products that are ready for retail, wholesale, and foodservice through Directory contact information.


Easily search for and save your favourite product listings. Get updates on newly added products through Directory e-newsletters.

Are you a B.C. producer or processor?

Showcase your products to food service, restaurants, retail, distributors, wholesale and other buyers actively looking for B.C. produced and processed food and beverage products.

Creating a business profile allows you to list products on the Directory which can:


Boost your brand visibility for free and help commercial buyers who are interested in B.C. products to find you.


Control your own information by self-updating your business profile and product listings to keep product, certifications, and distribution information up to date.


Access business support resources through the Directory’s business resources page and e-newsletter.

Accuracy of product and business information

The BC Food Directory is coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food for British Columbia. Companies are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their product and/or company information in the BC Food Directory. Neither the Ministry nor any of its employees assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of information. The listing of any company or product in this catalogue does not reflect an endorsement of the company or product by the B.C. government. For more information, please see Disclaimer.