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Business resources

Resources for selling to commercial and institutional buyers

Use these specific resources to help you prepare your business to successfully sell your products to markets such as food service, restaurants, retail and distribution.


View or download the full PDF: Feed BC Resources for Selling to Commercial and Institutional Buyers

Agricultural & food business development resources:

B.C. Ministry of Agriculture & Food

Taking stock self-assessment

Workbook for farm or food processing business management practices to assess your management systems, knowledge, and skills.

Food or beverage processing business resources

Information on starting a processing business, regulations and certification standards, sourcing raw materials, innovation and technology.

Feed BC

Information on the Feed BC program that works with institutions, stakeholders, and partners across the food service supply chain to increase the use of B.C. foods in B.C. government supported institutions, facilities, programs, and services.

Selling B.C. food to B.C.’s government-supported facilities

Starter guide for producers and processors to identify opportunities, understand the foodservice supply chain, and discover the steps to the institutional market.

Domestic market development

Best practices and resources for B.C. agriculture and food businesses to expand marketing knowledge and build business capacity.

Buy BC

Buy BC is a province-wide marketing program that promotes B.C. food and beverages to ensure consumers can easily identify and enjoy local food products. Increase your market share and sales within B.C. by adding a free Buy BC logo to your product packaging.

Non-Government of B.C. resources

Small Business BC

Starter guide for producers and processors to identify opportunities, understand the foodservice supply chain, and discover the steps to the institutional market.

BC Food Connection

Finding Production Partners & Commercial Kitchens. Resource database listing Production Partners (co-packers, re-packers, and processors with extra capacity); B.C. Produce and Agri-food suppliers; Commercial and Commissary Kitchens.

Funding sources

Agriculture & Seafood Programs

All current funding programs from the Ministry of Agriculture & Food.

B.C. Agri-Business Planning Program

Supports producers and food processors through three business planning funding streams: Business Plan Coaching, Covid-19 Recovery Planning, and Specialized Business Planning.

Buy B.C. Partnership Program

This program provides access to a free, recognizable Buy BC logo and cost-shared funding to help B.C.’s agriculture and food sector businesses promote their products and increase sales within B.C.

Canada-BC Agri-Innovation Program

The Canada-BC Agri-Innovation Funding Program is designed to accelerate the pace of agriculture and food related innovation to enhance the sector’s competitiveness, sustainability, productivity, and resiliency.

Post–Farm Food Safety Program

Funding program to establish or enhance food safety in B.C. food and beverage manufacturing facilities, leading toward the implementation of food safety activities.

On-Farm Food Safety Program

Funding available to establish/enhance B.C. On-Farm food safety.

BC Agri-Food and Seafood Market Development (Investment Agriculture Foundation)

Export target funding to help B.C. agri-food producers, agri-food and seafood processors, co-operatives, and associations to identify, access, target and develop market opportunities to increase their sales outside of B.C.

Innovate BC

A Crown agency that helps to connect innovators both large and small with provincial government funding, tools, resources, and support.


Agriculture, Food & Seafood Industry Associations in British Columbia

Comprehensive list of provincial agricultural and producer associations.

Agriculture, Processing & Seafood Programs (B.C. Ministry of Agriculture & Food)

Main page for producers and processors to access programs and funding to support their businesses. Includes Business, Innovation and Market Development; Insurance and Income Protection; Food safety and Traceability; Environmental Sustainability.

Innovation & Technology (B.C. Ministry of Agriculture & Food)

Overview of B.C. Food Hubs, food science and research partnerships.

Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada

Market Industry overview, sub-sector profiles, trends, and market opportunities from the Government of Canada.

BC Food & Beverage Processing Association

Non-profit industry association representing food and beverage manufacturers in British Columbia.

Small Scale Food Processors Association

Support organization for small to medium enterprises and support organizations in the food processing industry providing education, networking, advocacy, Specialty Food Directory listings and membership discounts.

BC Co-op Association

BCCA is the knowledge and resource center for Co-ops in B.C. and works to increase interest in, and demand for Co-op produced products and raise sector’s visibility and community impact.

Food Safety Regulations & Certifications

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Federal information for food safety, preventative controls, recalls, label requirements, Safe Food for Canadians licence (SFCR), plant and animal health.

Food Labelling for Industry

The Industry Labelling Tool is the food labelling reference for all food inspectors and stakeholders in Canada. It replaces the Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising, and the Decisions page to provide consolidated, reorganized and expanded labelling information.

Food Safety & Security (Province of B.C.)

Provincial details on Food Safety Legislation, Food Safety Courses, Food Safety & Sanitation Plans.

BC Labelling Regulations and Certification Standards

Regulations and certification standards overview, including provincial resources for Food Safety, Public Health, Milk Industry, Fish & Seafood.

Seafood Canada GAP

Government and industry recognized food safety certification program for companies that produce, handle and broker fresh fruits and vegetables..

Food Safety Certification

Provincial details on Food Safety Legislation, Food Safety Courses, Food Safety & Sanitation Plans.

Barcodes & Global Trade Network Identification Global Standards 1 (GS1)

Non-profit organization that develops and maintains global standards barcodes and global trade identification.

ECC Net Item Certification (FAQ)

Information on the national consumer food product database.

Guidelines for the Sale of Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools

Nutritional guidelines developed to support healthy eating in schools (mandated for all B.C. K-12 public schools in 2008).