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Sandher Fruit Packers

Sandher Fruit Packers logo

Sandher Fruit Packers

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aod Phone number

(250) 491-9176

contact_mail Street address

3231 Old Vernon Road
BC Canada V4T 1T2

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Business description

Sandher Fruit Packers is an experienced fruit packing company in Kelowna, B.C.. We grow delicious fruit at our family-owned orchards and bring that fruit to grocery stores near you.

Ownership and operations

  • Person of colour owned or operated
  • Women owned or operated

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Processors (direct or via broker)
  • Major stores
  • Independent stores

Product listings from this business

Cherries image

Sweet cherry varieties grown include Sweety, Skeena, Lapin, Sweetheart, Regina, Sentinel, and Staccato. From Sandher Fruit Packers.

Apples: Honeycrisp image

Crunchy, tangy, and juicy with a great balance between tart and sweet. From Sandher Fruit Packers.

Apples: Royal Gala image

Crisp, slightly sweet, and accompanied with a floral aroma. Appearance is striped red over a yellow/orange skin. From Sandher Fruit Packers.

Apples: Ambrosia image

Native to B.C.. Crunchy, sweet, and juicy. Yellow/red appearance results in striking shelf appeal. From Sandher Fruit Packers.