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Consolidated Fruit Packers

BC Food Directory B.C. Producers & Processors Consolidated Fruit Packers
Consolidated Fruit Packers logo

Consolidated Fruit Packers

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Bryan Key

work Job title

Category Director

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aod Phone number

(250) 868-1400

contact_mail Street address

1631 Dickson Ave, Suite 800
BC Canada V1Y 0B5

Business description

CFP is a fresh produce company specializing in apples, cherries, blueberries, pears and stone fruit. We are a packer & marketer of the Okanagan & Fraser Valley, shipping fruit primarily into western Canada, but also across the globe. Outside of our local growing season we also import fruit from around the world to supply our Canadian customer base.

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Processors (direct or via broker)
  • Major stores
  • Food Service Provider
  • Independent stores
  • Public Schools (K-12)

Product listings from this business

Apples: Sunrise image

Developed at the Summerland Research Station. Delicious raw, as applesauce, or apple chips. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Apples: Spartan image

An excellent dessert apple. Holds shape, and maintains its sweet flavour when baked. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Pears: Anjou image

Best suited for both raw and cooked applications, such as poaching, baking, grilling, and roasting. Make a great addition for dishes such as salads, wraps, and pizza. Consolidated Fruit Packers.

Pears: Bartlett image

Delicious eaten raw or canned. Consolidated Fruit Packers.

Apples: Salish image

Can be eaten raw or used in baked goods, such as muffins, pies, and tarts. This apple is also a great addition to pork dishes. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Apples: Royal Gala image

A crisp, sweet apple. They can be used in applesauce, salads, and cider. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Apples: Red Delicious  image

Perfect for juicing, dehydrating, or tossing in your favorite salad. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Peaches image

The peaches contain good-for-you antioxidants, including Vitamin C, polyphenols, and carotenoids. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Apples: Pink Lady image

Crisp and tangy, very good eaten raw. Great for applesauce or pureed soups. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Prune Plums image

Plums are rich in antioxidants. Consolidated Fruit Packers.

Apples: McIntosh image

Used cooked or raw. Great as a dessert or in salads. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Apples: Granny Smith  image

Preferred apple for applesauce, tarts, and pies. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Pears: Harrowcrisp  image

Firm texture makes for an excellent baking pear; yields good amount of juice for cider or fresh juice. Consolidated Fruit Packers.

Pears: Bosc image

A more firm, dense flesh than other varieties. Ideal for use in baking, broiling or poaching. Consolidated Fruit Packers.

Apples: Golden Delicious  image

This is a sweeter apple, best used for baking, as it holds its shape more than other varieties. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Apples: Fuji image

Best suited for baking, roasting, and stewing. Can be sliced into salads, grated into coleslaw, or chopped and used to top your favourite breakfast foods. Consolidated Fruit Packers.

Cherries image

Dark, sweet, and juicy. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Grapes: Coronation image

Excellent for juices, jams, and desserts. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Blueberries image

Packed with flavour, and versatile with nutritional value such as Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Manganese, and Potassium. Consolidated Fruit Packers

Apples: Ambrosia image

A B.C. grown apple that works well with savory dishes, or bakes nicely in pies. Consolidated Fruit Packers.