A Cook Not Mad Kitchen (Yellow Deer Brand)
laptop_chromebook Website
account_box Name
Timothy Harris
work Job title
mark_email_unread Email address
aod Phone number
(604) 346-9642
contact_mail Street address
PO Box 20084 RPO Qualicum Centre
Qualicum Beach
V9K 0B1
remember_me Social
Business description
A Cook Not Mad Kitchen is the producer of Yellow Deer Mustard. We produce eight flavours of artisanal mustard made with the finest Canadian ingredients and mustard seed, mixed in small batches. The product is made with care and love.
Sell sheet
Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.
Current market channels
- Independent stores
- Restaurants (direct)
- Major stores
- Online grocery stores