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Aji Gourmet Products

Aji Gourmet Products logo

Aji Gourmet Products

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Nicholas Gonzalez

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(778) 874-9641

contact_mail Street address

PO Box 45040, RPO Ocean Park
BC Canada V4A 9L1

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Business description

The only chunky chili sauces on the market and unique guacamole mixes. Made with all natural ingredients, no preservatives and zero sugar. Dyana's Aji sauces are vegan, plant-based, gluten free and keto friendly.

Ownership and operations

  • Women owned or operated

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Restaurants (direct)
  • Major stores
  • Independent stores
  • Distributor
  • Online grocery stores

Product listings from this business

Guacamole Mix: Medium Hot image

Mash two avocados and add Aji Gourmet Products' fresh guacamole mix. Contains chunks of tomatoes, onions, and cilantro. All-natural, no-preservatives, zero-sugar, vegan, gluten-free, low-calorie, and shelf stable.

Guacamole Mix: Mild image

Mash two avocados and add Aji Gourmet Products' fresh guacamole mix. Contains chunks of tomatoes, onions, and cilantro. All-natural, no-preservatives, zero-sugar, vegan, gluten-free, low-calorie, and shelf stable.