Islands West Produce
laptop_chromebook Website
account_box Name
Robert Wallace
work Job title
Sales Manager
mark_email_unread Email address
aod Phone number
(250) 727-0744
contact_mail Street address
4247 Douglas Street
V8X 2N2
remember_me Social
Business description
Islands West takes great pride in processing fresh fruits and vegetables in-house and shipping food service ready products to Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland regions. As a key part of our local food supply chain, we support local farms year round, and offer a range of convenient, pre-cut and prepared fruits and vegetables. We work tirelessly to ensure we source the freshest produce at the best prices for our customers and the communities they serve and are constantly implementing new practices to reduce our impact on the planet.
Sell sheet
Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
View the Sell Sheet in downloadable PDF format.
Current market channels
- Restaurants (direct)
- Catering Company
- Processors (direct or via broker)
- Universities or Colleges
- Community Food Programs
- Other retail location
- Public Schools (K-12)
- Major stores
- Private Schools (K-12)
- Independent stores
- Retirement homes (private)
- Meal preparation companies
- Correctional facilities
- Other government contracts
- Food Service Provider
- Hospitals and long-term care (public)
- Online grocery stores