Monte Cristo Bakery
laptop_chromebook Website
account_box Name
Philip Merry
work Job title
Account Manager
mark_email_unread Email address
aod Phone number
(604) 618-1292
contact_mail Street address
7763 Progress Way
V4G 1A3
Business description
Baked goods manufacturer producing a full range of products: Croissants, Scones, Muffins, Cinnamon Buns, Brioche Buns, and Artisan Breads. Inquire for specific product availability. Using only the finest ingredients, we provide high volume products with key departments and our QA team assuring only superior quality with ongoing consistency. With continuous innovation and defined processes, this gives us our end result: "Quality Above All Else".
Sell sheet
Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.
Current market channels
- Restaurants (via distributor)
- Processors (direct or via broker)
- Major stores
- Independent stores
- Meal preparation companies
- Food Service Provider
- Distributor
- Universities or Colleges
- Correctional facilities
- Hospitals and long-term care (public)
- Online grocery stores