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Northern Greens

Northern Greens logo

Northern Greens

account_box Name

Alycia Van Der Gracht

work Job title

Business Founder

mark_email_unread Email address

aod Phone number

(604) 897-7396

contact_mail Street address

500-1515 Broadway Street
Port Coquitlam
BC Canada V3C 6M2

remember_me Social

Business description

Northern Greens brand is for leafy greens, herbs, and microgreens grown at various locations in Central and Northern B.C.. Northern Greens offers hyper-local, high-quality, fresh produce directly to a wide variety of communities in BC.

Ownership and operations

  • Women owned or operated

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Universities or Colleges
  • Community Food Programs
  • Independent stores
  • Food Service Provider
  • Online grocery stores

Product listings from this business

Arugula: Bunch image

Arugula is used as a salad ingredient for its sharp, peppery flavour. Product of Northern Greens.

Cilantro: Bunch image

Flavourful addition to soups, salads, and curries. High in antioxidants. Product of Northern Greens.

Lettuce: Red Loose-leaf image

Has dense, frilly leaves that are green with deep red edges. The stiff frills help to separate other leaves in salads as well as add a red colour. Our lettuce heads are pesticide-free and great for salads, wraps, or sandwiches. Product of Northern Greens.

Lettuce: Butterhead  image

Lettuce that forms a tight little rosette of soft, light-green, upward-facing leaves surrounding a tender, pale center. Our lettuce heads are pesticide-free and great for salads, wraps, or sandwiches. Product of Northern Greens.

Lettuce: Green Oakleaf image

Has a high leaf count and dark, shiny leaves. Our lettuce heads are pesticide-free and great for salads, wraps, or sandwiches. Product of Northern Greens.

Lettuce: Romaine image

Has thick, dark-coloured leaves that have a crisp texture. Our lettuce heads are pesticide-free and great for salads, wraps, or sandwiches. Product of Northern Greens.