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Plant Veda logo

Plant Veda

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Sunny Gurnani

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1668 Fosters Way
BC Canada V3M 6S6

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Business description

Plant Veda is an award winning plant-based dairy company making lassis, yogurts, and oat milks. Instead of adding heavily refined ingredients, we focus on blending multiple natural ingredients to create the same taste and texture as dairy. Our lassis and yogurts contain 15 billion probiotics and pre-biotics to support healthy digestion. Recently Plant Veda aquired Nora’s and is now manufacturing plant-based ice creams with natural ingredients and minimal processing. Their 25,000 sqft space in Delta also serves as a plant-based co-packing facility specializing in almond, soy, cashew, and oat.

Ownership and operations

  • Person of colour owned or operated
  • Women owned or operated

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Major stores
  • Independent stores
  • Universities or Colleges
  • Restaurants (direct)
  • Online grocery stores

Product listings from this business

Oat Milk: Plain  image

Made with Canadian Gluten free oats, with no oils added, our oat milk has higher percentage of oats compared to store bought oat milks. We also provide bulk milk dispensers at our cost, based on the volumes. Product of Plant Veda.