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R.J.T. Blueberry Park

R.J.T. Blueberry Park logo

R.J.T. Blueberry Park

laptop_chromebook Website

account_box Name

Tina Chow

work Job title


mark_email_unread Email address

aod Phone number

(604) 381-4562

contact_mail Street address

25990 48th Avenue
BC Canada V4W 1J2

remember_me Social

Business description

R.J.T. Blueberry Park Inc. specializes in the planting, picking, and selection of blueberries and the processing and storing of blueberry products.

Ownership and operations

  • Women owned or operated

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Meal preparation companies
  • Food Service Provider
  • Catering Company

Product listings from this business

Honey: Honeyview Farm image

Our honey is 100% natural and no food additives or preservatives have been added. The honey has not been pasteurized. Product of R.J.T. Blueberry Park.

Blueberries: Freeze Dried image

Grade A blueberries. Our freeze drying method preserves taste, texture, and nutrients. Eat them as a snack, sprinkle onto cereals or add them to any one of your favorite recipes. Product of R.J.T. Blueberry Park.