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Jam and Concentrate: Black Currant

BC Food Directory B.C. Food & Beverage Products Jam and Concentrate: Black Currant
Ravenwoodfarm logo


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Aline Steffens

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Sales Manager

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(778) 691-9905

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Box 181
BC Canada V0C 1T0

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Product Information

Product details

Local BC Peace River Black Currant Products from Ravenwoodfarm; Ingredients Jam: Black Currant (min. 65% whole berries), Sugar or with Ravenwood honey as a Limited Edition, Fruit Pectin; Ingredients Concentrate: Black Currant puree (whole berries), Sugar

Spec sheet

Industry relevant specifications for product information such as ingredients, shelf life, allergens, nutritional values, etc.
download_for_offline View the Spec Sheet in downloadable PDF format.


Product size (weight/volume)


Units per pack/case

12 jars per case

Flexible product size or pack?


Is the product refrigerated?


Is the product shelf stable?


Is the product frozen?


Valid additional certifications

  • GS1

Dietary preferences

  • Vegan
  • Gluten-Free
  • Non-GMO
  • Plant-Based
  • Free of Common Allergens
  • Kosher
  • Halal

Additional certifications

Certificate Elearning Food Safety University Guelph (June 16, 2022)
Sanitation Plan – Ravenwoodfarm BC available
Food Safety Plan – Jam & Concentrate available
Record keeping (Farm Activity Log, Recipe Batch log, Temperature and ph Testing log)

When product is available for purchase

  • Year-Round
Black currants are an exceptional source of vitamin C and polyphenols. Most fruits contain a good amount of vitamin C, but black currants are exceptionally high in the vitamin. ‍Also, alongside blueberries, black currants contain more significant amounts of anthocyanins than other berries. Their pure flavor can be a little bit tart, but they offer many nutritional benefits. You can enjoy your superfood in different dishes. Here are some ways how you can use black currant jam or concentrate at home: Serve your blackcurrant products in desserts and creams, drinks and cocktails, smoothies, baking such as tarts, scones, muffins, cupcakes, ice cream and many more … For more information about the health benefits of the berries or inspirational recipes, sign up to our newsletter. We are happy to share what we know!

Delivery options



  • Northeast