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Goodly Foods logo

Goodly Foods

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Aart Schuurman Hess

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(604) 968-8124

contact_mail Street address

107-8811 Laurel Street
BC Canada V6P 3V9

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Product Information

Product details

The ingredients are: squash seed milk (water, squash seeds and pulp), squash, onions, carrots, celery, salt, granulated garlic, cinnamon, dried ginger, and nutmeg. By using the skins of the squash and making our own seed milk from the strained seeds and pulp, we continue to honour our commitment to creating as little waste as possible. The resulting pureed texture is smooth and silky, showcasing the flavour of the squash with hints of warm aromatic spices. Use within 42 days or put in the freezer. Heat-to-serve. From Goodly Foods.

Spec sheet

Industry relevant specifications for product information such as ingredients, shelf life, allergens, nutritional values, etc.
download_for_offline View the Spec Sheet in downloadable PDF format.


Product size (weight/volume)

500 ml

Additional sizes

4 Liter sous-vide bags (5 bags per case).

Units per pack/case

500 ml / container

Flexible product size or pack?


Is the product refrigerated?


Is the product shelf stable?


Is the product frozen?


When product is available for purchase

  • Year-Round
Our soups could be delivered refrigerated (42 day shelf life) or frozen (one-year shelf life).


  • Lower Mainland Southwest